Acne Vulgaris

Acne is a common condition presenting as a spectrum from very mild, to severe and scarring, and can manifest as blackheads, small pimples, large tender pimples, nodules, cysts and in some cases scars.

It is important for each individual patient to be properly assessed, by a medical doctor, for their skin type, their form of acne, current skin care regimen, treatment history, psychological effect on the patient, and what treatments would be most suitable.

Treatments include prescription and non-prescription, topical creams, topical benzoyl peroxide, topical and oral antibiotics, topical and oral potent vitamin A, hormone treatments, and light-based treatments. An individual program or regime can then be discussed with the patient and individually designed.

Light-based therapies and in particular Intense Pulse Light (IPL) and LED, are used in combination with topical and/oral treatments and individually manipulated to help treat inflammation, redness, and other concerns. The light treatment is fast and used in combination with and part of an individual patient regime, but requires a course of therapy.

Downtime is minimal with 5-10 days of mild swelling and transient redness.

We offer personalised acne packages, including Blue and Red Light LED Treatments, Hydrafacials and if suitable IPL treatments.

These packages include an initial consultation and ongoing reviews. For more information on these package options, please visit our website here.

If you would like more information on the treatment of Acne Vulgaris or to book a complimentary consultation, please call our friendly team on (08) 9368 6888.

Dr. Sarah Paton

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