New Ahpra guidelines

New Ahpra guidelines that improve patient care come into effect 1st July 2023. From the 1st of July 2023, new guidelines issued by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) will come into effect. These reforms apply to doctors practicing cosmetic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic procedures.  These changes are being introduced to uphold higher industry […]

The Burning Truth About Sun Damage (And Reversing It)

Australians love the outdoor life and the sun but too much sun exposure can significantly damage human skin. The most common types of sun damage to the skin are: Dryness – sun exposed skin can gradually lose moisture and essential oils, making it appear dry, flaky and prematurely wrinkled, even in younger people Sunburn – […]

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

PDT utilises a cream containing a chemical known as ALA which is applied to the skin to be treated. The ALA is preferentially absorbed by abnormal (ie sun damaged or pre-cancerous /cancerous) skin cells. When subsequently exposed to light of a certain wavelength, a reaction is set up between the ALA and the light within […]

Vitamin D for Body Health

Vitamin D is an essential ingredient for normal body health. It assists with the health and well being of the following systems: Muscular and skeletal  Immunological  Neurological Anti-cancer Anti-ageing It is known that patients with low Vit D  levels have a worse prognosis in Breast Cancer and Melanoma, and have a higher incidence of Multiple […]

Acne Vulgaris

Acne is a common condition presenting as a spectrum from very mild, to severe and scarring, and can manifest as blackheads, small pimples, large tender pimples, nodules, cysts and in some cases scars. It is important for each individual patient to be properly assessed, by a medical doctor, for their skin type, their form of […]

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment with Wrinkle Relaxers

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment with Wrinkle Relaxers This is a highly effective and safe treatment for patients with long standing problems associated with overuse of the masseter (jaw) muscles. Grinding teeth and clenching of these muscles can result not only in frequent tension or migraine headaches but also damage to the teeth requiring expensive dental […]

Axillary hyperhidrosis

What is axillary hyperhidrosis? Axillary hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweating, is a common condition affecting up to 3% of the Australian population. Most sufferers will notice the development of this condition in late childhood, pubertal change but some also notice the problem starting in their mid 20s and onwards. It may seem like a non […]

Sun Damaged Skin

Sun Damaged Skin

What you need to know about sun damage, and how to reverse it! Noticing fine wrinkles in the mirror? Skin starting to lose its elasticity? It’s true, Australians love the outdoor life and the sun, but too much sun exposure can significantly damage human skin. Up to 80% of visible ageing is caused by UV rays […]

Radiation Black Ink Dot Tattoos

Radiation black ink tattoo

Breast Cancer and Radiation Black Dot Tattoos by Dr Sarah Paton Globally, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed and the leading cause of cancer death in women. For women with newly diagnosed, non-metastatic breast cancer, treatment consists of a team approach that involves in most cases breast-saving surgery, radiation and medical oncology. The aim […]

How To Choose A Good Cosmetic Physician Blog Post

How to choose a good cosmetic

How To Choose A Good Cosmetic Physician by Dr Kamilla Mytych Selecting a cosmetic clinician skilled in facial aesthetic assessment and injectable treatments can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to cosmetic enhancements. The cosmetic medical industry has seen exciting growth in recent times, but with so many options to choose from […]