Fraxel Patient Review

Read our patient’s account of her recent Fraxel laser treatment with Laser Skin Care:
Alison, 30 years of age

“As a sun worshipper and ex-solarium addict, I noticed my skin took a drastic turn for the worse a couple of years ago. Despite trying many different creams, nothing seemed to prevent the new freckles appearing all over my face, and there were blotchy patches of pigment along my cheekbones that seemed only to grow bigger and darker with time. That’s when I decided it was time to take the plunge and I finally booked myself in for a Fraxel treatment at Laser Skin Care with Dr. Kamilla Mytych.

I have never had laser before, so I was extremely nervous and apprehensive about the treatment. Dr. Mytych was so lovely and put all my nerves at ease.

Before the Fraxel treatment, a thick numbing cream was spread over my face and was left to settle for 45 minutes. The actual Fraxel treatment only took about 15 minutes. Dr. Mytych used Fraxel 1927 to remove the small freckles and blotchy pigmentation along my cheeks and then she used (a stronger) Fraxel 1550 on my forehead to remove some old acne scars and frown lines.

The treatment was not at all painful, at times I could feel a minor prickly warm sensation which was completely tolerable as the laser blows out cold air while it’s busy doing its thing! Once the treatment was over Dr. Mytych told me that my face might feel like it is “sunburnt” for an hour or two and gave me two little ice packs to use at home. To be honest, I didn’t feel the need to use the ice packs as I found using a wet face-cloth to be more than enough to “cool” down. Surely enough two hours passed by and any warm “sunburnt” sensation was all but forgotten.

Over the next three days, all my freckles turned into dark, dry patches of skin along with sun damage I didn’t even know I had! I’d hate to know how bad my skin would look in ten years time if I didn’t have Fraxel!  It has now been seven days since my treatment, and all the freckles and unexpected “hidden” pigmentation that surfaced has now flaked away.

For the first time in years, I can now say I have ridiculously baby smooth skin without a single freckle! I’m so happy with my results, my only disappointment is that I didn’t book sooner! I highly recommend Fraxel and the wonderful team at LSC! “

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