Breast Cancer and Radiation Black Dot Tattoos by Dr Sarah Paton
Globally, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed and the leading cause of cancer death in women. For women with newly diagnosed, non-metastatic breast cancer, treatment consists of a team approach that involves in most cases breast-saving surgery, radiation and medical oncology. The aim of adjuvant radiation is to eradicate any cancer cells that may remain after surgery, and part of the treatment planning and delivery is the marking of the chest with tiny black ink dot tattoos on the mid chest.
The Purpose of Radiation Tattoos
Radiation tattoos are a permanent marking to indicate precisely where the radiation needs to be delivered with each treatment. Because they are durable, they can mark the area throughout the radiation treatment process without concern they will disappear. In most cases, they consist of four small dots that show the corners of the area that needs to be treated. Some patients only require one or two dots to pinpoint the treatment location.
When the radiation and other treatments are complete, in many women, the ‘permanent’ presence of these dots can have a negative psychological effect, contributing to ongoing stress and anxiety. What most women do not know is that these dot tattoos can be completely removed via Q- switched Nd:Yag laser. Treatment is fast and relatively painless with the prior application of numbing cream, and will require a series of treatments.
Free Radiation Tattoo Removal for Breast Cancer Survivors
Surviving a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment requires strength and stamina, often more than a woman realises she has until she is in the thick of the experience. Surviving breast cancer is something that should be celebrated.
Laser Skin Care would like to offer these treatments FREE of charge for any women who has completed her breast cancer radiation. There are no catches. One of our doctors, Dr. Sarah Paton is also a breast physician in one of Perth’s public hospitals and sees the effects of a breast cancer diagnosis first hand, and it would be our great pleasure to do this small service.
To learn more about radiation tattoo removal, or to schedule your appointment when we reopen please email or register here.