Photodynamic Rejuvenation

An enhanced skin rejuvenation treatment

Enhanced Skin Rejuvenation

Photodynamic rejuvenation (PDR) is a wonderful treatment pioneered in WA by dermatologists at Laser Skin Care nearly 12 years ago.

PDR is an enhanced skin rejuvenation treatment which involves the combination of light-sensitising cream with the power of Venus Versa Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment for pigmentation problems and broken capillaries.

Perfect for moderate to severe sun-damage

It is definitely our treatment of choice for moderate to severe sun-damage, particularly for treating superficial skin cancers, such as solar (actinic) keratoses (those red, scaly patches). These appear as scaly, red or inflamed looking blotches on the sun exposed areas. They are very common in lighter skin types on the face, nose, forearms and hands in particular.

It can also be used to control cystic acne, and is great for fine lines and wrinkles and for intense collagen stimulation.

How treatment works

PDR uses a special light sensitive cream containing ALA (amino-laevulinic acid). This cream is applied to the skin prior to the IPL treatment, and is absorbed into abnormal skin cells such as those in solar keratoses. Exposure to the IPL light sets off a chain reaction within these cells leading to the destruction of the abnormal cells by the body.

The after-effects of redness, swelling, bronzing and some crusting are usually more pronounced than IPL alone, and time off work may be needed.

We recommend a course of IPL photodynamic treatment in most cases. This allows the full benefits of rejuvenation, as well as the opportunity to treat abnormal areas on successive occasions.

Find out more about the potential Risks and Effects of Photodynamic Rejuvenation.

Rediscover yourself, book a complimentary consultation today.