Achieve a tighter, fresher and more youthful look.
The Thread Lift is a treatment which has been praised as the non-surgical replacement for face lifts, avoiding long recovery times, excessive scarring and the use of incisions or sedation.
Thread lifts work by placing dissolvable threads under the skin using a fine needle, which elevates sagging tissue, and simultaneously increases collagen production, firming the skins appearance.
The treatment aims to obtain a volumisation, lifting and skin tightening in any area the sutures are placed. A local anaesthesia is required only at the entry and exit points of the sutures.
A Thread Lift is recommended for men and women who are trying to effectively combat the signs of ageing and who want to achieve natural results and it is suitable for all skin types.
Results are visible immediately and can include:
- Lifting and tightening to specific parts of the face
- Increasing of volume to saggy areas
- Restoration of shapeliness to the face gradually and naturally
- Collagen stimulation, resulting in more youthful-looking skin
- A sharp reduction in wrinkles and lines
- An overall smoother appearance

- Apply SPF30+ and avoid direct sunlight and tanning machines in order to prevent Post – Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH).
2. Gently wash the treated areas on the same day but do not rub or massage the face for 2 weeks.
3. Do not open your mouth too wide for 3-4 weeks (avoid dental treatment for 2 weeks if possible).
4. A stinging or “pulling” pain or discomfort is normal. Take paracetamol 500mg 1-2 tablets 6+ hourly as required. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication such as Nurofen, because inflammation is necessary to initiate the new collagen formation process. Nurofen and similar medication will suppress this process.
5. Avoid alcohol and anti-coagulant medicine (aspirin, unless prescribed for medical indications) for 7 days.
6. Avoid blood “thinning” vitamins C & E for 7 days.
7. Avoid temperature extremes such as saunas or very cold climates for 10 days.
8. Avoid physical exercise for 7 days post procedure.
9. Avoid having Radio Frequency (RF) or any heat producing device (laser, IPL, etc.) treatments of the thread treated areas for at least 10 weeks.
10. Anti-inflammatory medication may be taken after 7 days.
11. Patient must finish course of antibiotics if prescribed by your treating practitioner.
12. Stinging or “pulling” pain discomfort is normal; this will subside over a 2 week period.
13. A scratchy sensation is normal; this will subside over a 2 week period.
14. Stinging, pulling, scratchy sensations will all disappear by week 5.
15. Possible complications may include infection, swelling, bruising, foreign body reaction in epidermis (granuloma) and protrusion. Extremely rarely, temporary facial nerve fallout may occur due to local anaesthetic, swelling haematoma or pressure of the cannula or thread on the nerve.
Your practitioner must be informed immediately if facial nerve fallout is suspected and if your practitioner cannot be reached then go immediately to A&E.
16. Follow up examination 7 days later.
17. Follow up photography at 1 month post-treatment. Note: treatment of untreated areas may be initiated at any time.
18. End-point: follow-up appointment at 3 months post-treatment.

Immediately before and after treatment.

Thread Lift Results
The suture gently lifts and re-positions tissues that have fallen into the hands of gravity, resulting in a shapelier, younger looking face. Hollow cheeks are given a more full appearance, while sagginess is lifted and wrinkles are eased.
The lifting effect is immediate and discreet as it is the result of compressing and elevating tissue at the time of adjusting the suture.
The Threads naturally stimulate the body so that it produces its own collagen and results last up to 2-3 years.